Monday, March 17, 2008

Deschutes County's Open Communications

Anna Johnson, Deschutes County's Public Communications Coordinator, really does a bang-up job of keeping a flow of valuable information running to our local media. I know this because for several months now, I've been on the email list she uses to send announcements and news releases to the media. Now she's opening this list up to any interested county residents, which I think is a super cool example of government openness that I wish other parts of our country's government would follow. Read below and be the first to know. -hoc

In an effort to continue to increase communication with citizens of Deschutes County, residents are able to receive County news notices at the same time local media receives them.

If you are interested in receiving direct emails about County happenings, please send an email including the following information to the name and email address listed below:

1. Name
2. Email address to receive notices

Anna Johnson
Public Communications Coordinator

County resident email addresses will be added to a group list that will
regularly receive the notices and WILL NOT be sold to any other entity.
Addresses will be used for the sole purpose of communication between the
County and it's residents. Once received, addresses become public
property and are subject to public record requests.

For more information about the frequency and types of news notices that
may be sent, please call 330-4640.

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